Deploy to Firebase Hosting

A quick simple guide to deploy your static website to Firebase

Jessica Le
5 min readAug 15, 2021
Firebase Hosting

What is Firebase Hosting?

Firebase is Google’s mobile application development platform. Firebase Hosting is a Google hosting service which provides static web content to the user in a secure, fast, free (under Spark Plan) and easy way.

Why Firebase Hosting?

Use case

My Data Flow Visualisation

I have a goal in mind. I want to deploy my simple static personal website, install Google Tag Manager to my website, and seamlessly integrate it to Google Analytics 4 and BigQuery and build dashboards on Data Studio. The challenge here is that I need to decide on which tech product or versions to use to suit my need.

I did some research, find out how each of the product works and shortlist to Firebase vs CloudStorage. I decided to go ahead with Firebase because I believe Firebase is easier to integrate with GA4 and BigQuery which I need to analyse web visitors base and track web events. With CloudStorage, I have to gets my hands dirty on the networking part. For example, I need to set up a load balancer and also have to pay extra for getting an SSL certificate to convert my website to a secure one with https.

Firebase Hosting under Spark Plan is free. It by default provides SSL certificate and offers an impressive speed across multiple geographic locations without the need for a separate CDN on top.

Firebase Pricing

In terms of pricing, in my use case which is to find a platform to host a simple static website which probably doesn’t really exceed 1GB. I’m still under Firebase Free Spark Plan.

Firebase Hosting Pricing

Pre-requisites You’ll Need to Get Started

Quick-start Guide

1 — Creating a Firebase App
Navigate to Console Firebase > Create an account > Create a project > Enter your project name > Add Firebase to one of your existing Google Cloud projects (optional).

Below is a series of my screenshots representing every step of the process. In my case, I enable Google Analytics but you can opt out if you want.

Creating a Firebase App

2 — Install Firebase CLI (Pre-requisite: Install Node.Js)

  • Check if you’ve installed Node.js: run
node -v
it shows version number meaning Node.js had been installed
  • Install Firebase CLI: run
npm install -g firebase-tools 


Error: You may encounter this error:

Error: npm WARN deprecated request@2.88.2: request has been deprecated


Install Firebase CLI: run

sudo npm install -g firebase-tools 

Check if Firebase has been installed: run

firebase -V 
It worked YAY! It shows version 9.16.5

3 — Initialise my Project

  • Now using the terminal, make sure you’re in your project’s directory and log in to firebase: run
firebase login
  • Initialise your project: run
firebase init

Below is my screenshot of what will appear after running firebase init . Follow screenshots for detailed steps.

Press <up> <down> arrows to move up down; <space> to select features, <a> to select all choices, <i> to invert selection, <enter> to confirm your choices

Here, I select Hosting: Configure files for Firebase Hosting and (optionally) set up Github Action deploys. (Navigate by pressing<down> <space> > <enter>)

4 — Preparing Project for Deployment

Before deploying, you need to prepare project for deployment. If you notice, after you ran those commands above when initialising your project, there’s a public folder created in your project’s directory. Everything in this public folder will be deployed later, so make sure you move all your website files here.

5 — Including the Firebase SDK

Upon creating your Firebase app, you will see a code snippet (screenshot below). Copy the code block and paste it into the bottom of your <body> tag in your .html file(s).


5— Test the project (my additional step)

To preview the website locally before deploying: run

firebase serve

6— Deploy to Firebase Hosting


firebase deploy

Yayy the deploy is complete! Visit your hosting URL shown at the bottom of your terminal to see your deployed static website. Here is mine.

Next steps

Integration integration integration!

In my next following episodes, I will explore more about the integration with Google Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, BigQuery and Data Studio.



Jessica Le
Jessica Le

Written by Jessica Le

Data-driven, strategic professional with a passion for driving user acquisition and product performance. Eager to make a social impact in this VUCA world.

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